
InstaDelivery is a way for grocery stores to safely manage and deliver goods during the age of COVID-19. Users can manage their store database by reading, updating, deleting, and inserting new products, customers, deliverers, orders, and purchase methods. This project was assigned to me for my Introduction to Databases course. The goal of this project was to implement all the database-related skills learned throughout the course in a web based UI.



My Roles

Database Design

Front-end development







Roles and Responsibilites

For this project, I worked with a partner to develop a website driven by a database backend. The website has all CRUD functionality implemented. My partner worked mostly on the back end, creating a server to make API calls to. I worked mostly on the front end using HTML, CSS, and Javascript to call the API and display the database data to the user.

Tools Used

For this project we used HTML, CSS, and Javascript for the front end as that is what both my team member and I were most familiar with. To host the database we used Heroku. We used the class provided MariaDB server to host our database and used mySQL to make calls to our database.

Learning Outcomes

This project was valuable for learning how to design and implement databases. I learned how to use SQL to make simple and complex queries. In addition to this, it also gave me more practice with using javascript to make API calls to display information to users. I feel a lot more comfortable with being able to do this now.