
iWannaWatch is a React web application created as a final project for my Advanced Web Development course at Oregon State University. Users can search for any movie or TV show to find out information about it. For this project we used the OMDb API.

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Roles and Responsibilites

I worked on a team with one other student. Since I have UX design experience and enjoy designing interfaces, I took on the responsibility of designing our application. I designed the application using Adobe XD to create basic mock ups for our team. I then came up with a basic design using other websites and Twitter's "dark theme" as inspirtation. We divided the development work up by pages. I implemented the Home page, 404 Page, Movies search page, and Movie results page.

Tools Used

For this application we used the React library. We styled our components using emotion and implemented React-Router for routing our pages. The information displayed on the app comes from the OMDb API.

Learning Outcomes

This project allowed me to put into use the features we talked about in class. Through our final project I was able to further my understanding in and show my knowledge in creating a React app and React app components. I also implemented routing functionality, displayed data from a third party API, and collected data from a user.